By the end of 'Dreamland,' Caitlin has escaped from Rogerson and has proceeded to travel on another journey that will help her discover more of herself apart from distraction.

With this in mind, at the same time Caitlin is experiencing a journey of discovery of herself as a high school student, she is also experiencing a journey of discovery in learning more about Rogerson. Her parent's lack of attention toward Caitlin makes it easier for her to need protection, thereby seeking it from someone willing to offer it, even with conditions. While Caitlin is in high school, she meets Rogerson, who later exhibits abusive behavior towards Caitlin. Her sister's recent departure, and the subsequent loss the parent's feel, forces Caitlin to discover life apart from mentoring and guidance. Dreamland (2000) is a teen-oriented novel in three sections by Sarah Dessen. Dressen also includes information about her sister, who has run away. She is sixteen years old at the beginning of the work. Dressen begins the work with a reference to Caitlin's birthday. The main character, Caitlin O'Koren, is sixteen and lives in the house with an older sister and two parents. When Dreamland by Sarah Dessen opens, it is Caitlin OKorens sixteenth birthday and her. Sarah Dressen's work 'Dreamland' is a story about self-discovery. Dream Land Analysis Christina Georgina Rossetti : Summary. (See full booktalk in chapter 2.) A young girl who gives in to her boyfriend's controlling demands almost dies from drug use and.