Home Girl by Alex Wheatle
Home Girl by Alex Wheatle

Home Girl by Alex Wheatle Home Girl by Alex Wheatle

In addition to this, the two adults are working with a young writer of colour. Two black playwrights have been recruited by the group to adapt the novel into a script one of these writers is also care experienced. The Plus One group were able to present their ideas to prospective writers and then help select them based on the writers’ responses to their ideas. Home Girl is now being made into an adaptation for the main stage at Derby Theatre in July ’21. The award-winning author himself joined the group each week,which led to some fantastically rich conversation about the experience of growing up in care. The key thing about this production is the exciting co-production model through which it is being developed: During lockdown, Plus One (our programme with young people in care) ran an online book club looking at the book Home Girl by Alex Wheatle.

Home Girl by Alex Wheatle