L.A. Noir by James Ellroy
L.A. Noir by James Ellroy

But it was when he was 10 years old, and his mother was raped and murdered that his life would forever be different from most other kids. His dad, a one-time business manager of Rita Hayworth divorced Geneva when Ellroy was young, which will affect any child. Born in Los Angeles in 1948 to Armand and Geneva Ellroy, Lee Earle “James” Ellroy’s childhood was something of a noir story. In order to fully understand The LA Quartet series you need to know its author, James Ellroy. With this being the last week of Noirvember I figured it was worthwhile to write about my favorite neo-noir book series.

L.A. Noir by James Ellroy

It’s bleak, brutal, and beautifully written.

L.A. Noir by James Ellroy

The best known group of works by James Ellroy, The LA Quartet covers the years 1946 to 1958 in Los Angeles and it’s about as noir as you can get.

L.A. Noir by James Ellroy