But every use of the Arcana Majeure raises your minimum rejuvenation age use it too much and you'll be seventy forever. Normally, the only limit to how young you can be rejuvenated is ethical and legal. Cast from Lifespan: Downplayed, as you can still be rejuvenated, but this is how the Arcana Majeure works.Her Atlantean Aspect is to emulate a spider, showing that her shadow has multiple legs when she is angry. Animal Motif: Lady Justice has spiders.Affectionate Nickname: Matthias is very foreign to the concept of being treated well, only remembering once someone called him Max, which he asks for Rune and Brand to use.Scenes from the Holidays (2021): A set of vignettes of the characters, set between the second and third books, started releasing during the holiday season of 2020.Scenes from Quarantine (2020): A set of vignettes of the characters, set between the second and third books, releasing during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown.The Sunken Mall (2020): A short story set between the first and second books.

Lord Tower asks them to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Addam Saint Nicholas, the second child of the Justice Family.

The series follows Rune Saint John, the last member of the Sun Throne, one of twenty-two courts that rule over New Atlantis. The Tarot Sequence is a series of Urban Fantasy books written by K.