Illumination by Rowan Speedwell
Illumination by Rowan Speedwell

I hate to say this but it felt like the author was throwing all this in just to give it a "love can get you through anything" feel. All the misinterpretations and drama got old and didn't feel genuine. I understand that both MC's have constant self doubt, especially considering the circumstances, but I didn't believe in their struggle. It seemed like the romance and the relationship were more important than Zach's recovery. Personally I needed more and this is where I lost the connection to Zach.

Illumination by Rowan Speedwell

We're just suppose to believe that Zach came out on the other side and is ready to love and be loved again. We didn't follow his journey or see any of his breakthroughs. We see Zach continuing to deal with his trauma but we did not see the process that led to the point where Zach could begin to let David into his life. Two years are skipped between the time Zach was rescued and when he meets up with David again. I just wished we saw more of Zach dealing with his problems on his own rather than how it pertained to David and their relationship. I was happy the author didn't focus on the years that Zach spent in captivity but rather focused on Zach's recovery. There were some flashes of beautiful writing but as a whole it wasn't well executed.

Illumination by Rowan Speedwell

Notably, pointless POV changes, frequent angsty misunderstandings, and head-hopping. There were so many touching and heart-wrenching parts that drew me in to Zach's pain and his heart but there was always something that tore me out of the story. I'm going to be the odd one out here, but I didn't believe Zach's story.

Illumination by Rowan Speedwell